Who Are We

Why Choose Ed-GAP Kenya

Education Access

Ed-GAP Kenya provides access to quality education programs for underprivileged communities, ensuring equal opportunities for all.

Fast Delivery

Ed-GAP Kenya ensures fast delivery of education, livelihoods, and expert services programs to rural, marginalized, and hard-to-reach areas in Kenya.

Best Quality

Ed-GAP Kenya ensures the best quality in education support projects, livelihoods projects, and capacity building programs for underprivileged communities and individuals in Kenya.

About Us – Organization Overview

E-Gap Kenya is a duly registered organization implementing education, livelihoods, consultancies and Expert Services programs in rural, marginalized hard to reach areas, refugee camps and informal settlements in Kenya. Our mission statement "Education for Social Transformation" drives our everyday motivation to empower marginalized and underprivileged communities and individuals through education support projects, livelihoods projects, capacity building and training. Since its inception, E-Gap Kenya has implemented several intervention programs and projects with other organizations and institutions through solitary and collaborative models. Our beneficiaries include but are not limited to underprivileged children, teachers, parents, youths, teenage mothers, women, special groups, and refugees.

Board of Directors

Education department

Advocacy, Gender sensitization, mentorship and social support project for retention and transition–MOE/World Bank Funded Project

Key project deliverables include:

Provide school kit support to 35,700 pupils at risk of dropping out of school which includes school uniform and bag, geometrical set, solar lamp and sanitary materials (Which are distributed to all schools whether directly targeted or not).

Train and retool 7,852 teachers (identified by TSC) to become gender champions to conduct mentorship, guidance and counselling and report/refer incidents of gender-based and school violence against learners.

Institutionalize advocacy, Gender Sensitisation and Psychosocial support at MOE and TSC from Head Quarters, County and Sub-County level.

Key project deliverables include:

Train 220 community leaders to support GBSV reporting and referral process at community level

  • Train 440 chiefs identified by Ministry of Interior and Coordination to support GBSV reporting and referral process and delivery of justice

Train 220 School BOMs and 220 Sub-Counties Parents Association Officers to support the initiative put in place to end GBSV against learners.

Key project deliverables include:

Train 110 Sub-County Quality Assurance and Standards Officers to provide oversight and support to gender champions in implementation of projects deliverables.

  • Conduct nation wide advocacy events and stakeholders education quality dialogue; production and distribution of informative IEC materials to all schools.
  • Establish of first ever Best Me Clubs (BMC) in all primary schools; clubs where learners will meet, discuss issues affecting them. Mentor one another, explore talent and creativity without interference of teachers or school administrator.

Develop an operational manual for advocacy, social support and gender sensitization. The project to directly benefit 35,700 learners at risk of dropping out of school and indirectly over 600,000 learners enrolled in primary schools in Kenya